Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Business Cards Deserve A New Website

About three weeks ago, I redesigned my business cards to have a more simplistic look and feel.  The new color scheme is black text on a plain white background.  I'm quite big on branding and maintaining a consistent experience; so when my website is white text on a black background, that was simply unacceptable.  I also decided on restructuring how my photos were organized from a category system to more of an album format.

Well, today, I can say that the redesign and restructuring of the website is finally complete.  I also had to reprocess all of my photos since the photo dimensions changed.  With a lot of Coke Zero next to me, it only took me about a week.

Here are photos of my new business cards and my new website design.


Let me know what you think!

Posted via email by David Dat Nguyen

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